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5401 Warehouse Way, Suite 106, Sacramento, CA. 95826

Image of a plumber using hydro jetting equipment to clean a pipe.

What to Expect During a Hydro Jetting Service: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hydro jetting is a popular method of cleaning drains and sewer lines. It uses high-pressure water streams to remove blockages, buildup, and debris from the plumbing system. Hydro jetting is effective in cleaning almost any type of pipe, from residential to commercial and industrial. If you are planning to get a hydro jetting service, it is essential to know what to expect during the process.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on what to expect during a hydro jetting service. We will cover the process, benefits, and precautions to ensure that you have a seamless experience. Let’s get started.

What is Hydro Jetting?

Hydro jetting is a process of cleaning pipes using high-pressure water streams. The water is delivered through a specialized nozzle that can generate pressures up to 4000 PSI. The nozzle can also rotate to cover a large area, removing debris and buildup from the pipe walls.

Hydro jetting is an effective method of removing blockages and buildup from the pipe. It can clean almost any type of pipe, including PVC, copper, cast iron, and clay. Hydro jetting is also environmentally friendly since it does not use any chemicals or harsh materials.

Step-by-Step Guide on What to Expect During a Hydro Jetting Service

Here is a step-by-step guide on what to expect during a hydro jetting service:

Step 1: Inspection

Before the hydro jetting service, the plumber will inspect the pipes using a camera. The camera will help identify any blockages, buildup, or damages that may affect the hydro jetting process. The plumber may also use the camera to locate the main sewer line and any access points.

Step 2: Preparation

After the inspection, the plumber will prepare the area for hydro jetting. They will clear any obstacles that may obstruct the process, such as furniture or appliances. They will also ensure that the area is safe and that there are no electrical or water hazards.

Step 3: Set up

The plumber will set up the hydro jetting equipment and connect it to the main sewer line. They will also attach the specialized nozzle to the end of the hose. The nozzle can rotate and generate high-pressure water streams to clean the pipe walls.

Step 4: Hydro Jetting

Once everything is set up, the plumber will start the hydro jetting process. They will turn on the equipment and adjust the water pressure to the recommended level. The plumber will also monitor the hydro jetting process using a camera to ensure that it is cleaning the pipe properly.

Step 5: Inspection

After the hydro jetting process, the plumber will inspect the pipes again using a camera. This inspection will help ensure that the hydro jetting process has removed all the blockages and buildup from the pipe. The plumber may also provide you with a report on the condition of your pipes and any recommendations.

Benefits of Hydro Jetting

Here are some of the benefits of hydro jetting:

  • Effective in removing blockages and buildup from pipes
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Cost-effective compared to traditional methods
  • Can prevent future blockages and damages to pipes
  • Safe for almost any type of pipe

Precautions During Hydro Jetting

Here are some precautions to take during hydro jetting:

  • Ensure that the area is safe and clear of obstacles
  • Avoid hydro jetting if the pipes have damages or cracks
  • Hire a professional plumber with experience in hydro jetting
  • Wear protective gear such as goggles and gloves


Hydro jetting is an effective method of cleaning pipes and preventing future blockages. It is also environmentally friendly and cost-effective compared to traditional methods. By following this step-by-step guide and taking necessary precautions, you can expect a seamless hydro jetting service.


  1. How often should I get a hydro jetting service?

It depends on the condition of your pipes and the frequency of blockages. It is recommended to get a hydro jetting service at least once a year for preventive maintenance.

  1. Is hydro jetting safe for my pipes?

Yes, hydro jetting is safe for almost any type of pipe, including PVC, copper, cast iron, and clay. However, it is not recommended for pipes with damages or cracks.

  1. How long does a hydro jetting service take?

It depends on the size and complexity of the plumbing system. A typical hydro jetting service can take anywhere from 1-4 hours.

  1. How much does a hydro jetting service cost?

The cost of hydro jetting service varies depending on the size and complexity of the plumbing system. It is best to get a quote from a professional plumber.

  1. Can hydro jetting damage my plumbing system?

No, hydro jetting is a safe and effective method of cleaning pipes. However, it is essential to hire a professional plumber with experience in hydro jetting to ensure that the process is done correctly.
